The Edible Trail community nursery is working with local classrooms to grow perennial food and medicine plants to be planted in future public edible forests. We’ve worked with the TBAISD Career Tech Center’s AgriScience Program, Greenspire School, and Children’s House Montessori to grow plants in their greenhouses, and then grow them out at the SEEDS Farm. Thanks to Rotary Charities Good Works committee for the grant to make this possible!
Here is some of what we have growing in 2016:
Nut Trees
- Chestnuts (many varieties from Oikos and locally foraged seed)
- Carpathian Walnut
- Black Walnut
- Shellbark and Shagbark Hickory
- European Hazelnut (Jefferson)
- American hazelnuts
Fruit Trees:
- American Persimmon
- Pawpaw
- Mulberry
- American Plum
- Wild Goose Plum
- Dunbars Plum (american x beach)
- Apple rootstock (antonovka)
- Pear rootstock
- Apricot
- Saskatoon
- Currants
- Gooseberry
- Jostaberry
- Thimbleberry
- Nanking Cherry
- Blueberry
- Rhubarb
- Sage
- Bunching Onion
- Oregano